Call for data contributions
We’re seeking contributions from any team who is planning to, or has installed, a field instrument measuring basal melt rate on an Antarctic ice shelf. The instrument should collect data autonomously for at least one month. By contributing to NECKLACE you agree to have monthly-averaged basal melt rates from your data made open access (embargo periods on data can be applied).
Contributing to NECKLACE is a low effort activity and will increase the reach and impact of your results. You would need to share a time series of derived basal melt rate and associated metadata for each of your instruments. Ideally, we would also like any raw ApRES data to be made open access to ensure that our dataset can be updated as processing techniques advance. The NECKLACE team can help with advice about metadata for raw data and suggested hosting options.
Data contributions will be gathered from multiple international contributors and collated by the NECKLACE team into a single dataset, to be hosted in an open-access data repository. All initial contributors can also join the author list for a data paper introducing the dataset.
If you’re interested in contributing to this effort, then please email Sue Cook sue.cook@utas.edu.au for further details.