NECKLACE is a SOOS endorsed project which aims to collect a time series of observed basal melt rates from field instruments on ice shelves around Antarctica, primarily using autonomous phase-sensitive radar (ApRES). This will provide urgently needed control and validation data for models of ice shelf-ocean interaction, and a source of ground truth for satellite-derived estimates of average ice-shelf basal melt rates.
NECKLACE is run by an international team of researchers, who provide a coordinating role. Research groups can contribute by procuring and deploying instruments in Antarctica. The NECKLACE team can assist with instrument set-up, data processing, and archiving, and collates resulting data to produce a coordinated basal melt rate product for end users.
Information for Contributors
Contribution to NECKLACE is open to any team who is planning to, or has installed, an instrument measuring basal melt rate on an Antarctic ice shelf. The instrument should collect data autonomously for at least one month. By contributing to NECKLACE you agree to have monthly-averaged basal melt rates from your data made open access (embargo periods on data can be applied). We also ask contributors to make raw data open access where possible, as this will enable our dataset to be updated as processing techniques advance. The NECKLACE team can help with advice about metadata for raw data and suggested hosting options.
Contributing to NECKLACE is a low effort activity, and means that your data will be included in a broadscale and high impact dataset, increasing the reach and impact of your results. The public dataset will include links to any raw or processed data stored in open access repositories, increasing their accessibility and visibility of other published results.
To get involved please contact the NECKLACE team
Current Contributors

British Antarctic Survey
Data contributed from equipment deployed on Filcher-Ronne Ice Shelf and Pine Island Glacier.

Data contributed from equipment deployed on East Antarctic ice shelves.

University of Tasmania
Data contributed from equipment deployed on East Antarctic ice shelves.

Data contributed from equipment deployed on Ross Ice Shelf.